
Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Sattler F., Angermüller K. (eds.) in preparation, Replica Knowledge: An Archaeology of the Multiple Past. Berlin: K.Verlag [conference proceedings and exhibition catalogue]. [image by F. Sattler, Tieranatomisches Theater, Humboldt University in Berlin].
Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Perry S., Purcell A., 2024. CHANSE Transformations Audiences. London: Museum of London Archaeology (DOI: 10.48583/kdkk-6z70), Download from the CHANSE website.

Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Stefanou E. (eds.) 2012. From Archaeology to Archaeologies: the ‘Other’ Past, British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International Series 2409, ISBN 9781407310077. Buy from BAR.
Simandiraki A. 2002, Middle Minoan III Pottery from Building B of the Mount Juktas Peak Sanctuary, Crete, and a general re-assessmentof the Middle Minoan III Period, Philosophy Doctorate in Minoan Archaeology, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Bristol. Advisor: Prof. P.M. Warren. Download from my Academia website.


German S., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. (guest eds.), Outside The Network: Finding ‘Others’ And The Individual In The Aegean Bronze Age, Oxford Journal of Archaeology (OJA) 43(3), August 2024.
Table of Contents here. Download issue from the OJA website.
The Human Body in Antiquity (incl. material culture studies)
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. in press, ‘Bodies in Flux: anthropomorphic / anthropomorphising vessels from funerary contexts in Bronze Age Crete’, in Şahoğlu V., Kouka O. (eds.), Death, Rituals and Symbolism in Prehistoric Aegean, Online Workshop Dedicated to the Memory of Hayat Erkanal. Brepols.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2024, ‘Overt and Covert Bodily Communication in Bronze Age Crete’, in Günkel-Maschek U., Murphy C., Blakolmer F., Panagiotopoulos D. (eds.), Gesture, Stance, and Movement. Communicating Bodies in the Aegean Bronze Age. Proceedings of the International Conference at the University of Heidelberg, 11–13 November 2021. Heidelberg: Propylaeum: 43.59. Download from my Academia website. The whole volume can be downloaded here.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2024, ‘An archaeology of body traces: Finding everyday hands from Minoan Crete’, Oxford Journal of Archaeology (OJA) 43(3): 301-310. Download from the OJA website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., 2020. ‘The Petras Male Figurine Group: a first presentation and assessment’, in Tzigounaki A., Karanastasi P., Tsigonaki C. (eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Meeting for the Archaeological Work in Crete, Rethymno, Crete, 24-27 of November 2016, Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, Rethymno Archaeological Ephorate, University of Crete: 491-511. Download from my Academia website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2017, ‘Figurines’, in Tsipopoulou M. (ed.), Petras, Siteias I: Houses I.1 and I.2. INSTAP Academic Press: 163-173, bibliography 235-250. Download from my Academia website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2017, ‘The ‘Petras Sphinx’: An Essay on Hybridity’, in Tsipopoulou M. (ed.), Petras, Siteia: The Pre- and Proto-palatial cemetery in context, Acts of a two-day conference held at the Danish Institute at Athens, 14-15 February 2015, Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens Volume 21, Danish Institute at Athens:179-193. Download from my Academia website.
- Tsipopoulou M, Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2017, ‘Cycladic figurines and pottery from Petras, Siteia’, in Stampolidis N.C, Sotirakopoulou P. (eds.), Cycladica In Crete: Cycladic And Cycladicizing Figurines Within Their Archaeological Context, Proceedings of the International Symposium, Μuseum of Cycladic Art, Αthens, 1-2 Οctober 2015, Athens: University of Crete, Museum of Cycladic Art: 353-378. Download from my Academia website.
- Stevens F., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., 2016, ‘Composite, created, partial and floating bodies: A re-assessment of the Knossos Temple Repositories Assemblage’, in Mina M., Triantaphyllou S., Papadatos Y. (eds.), An Archaeology of Prehistoric Bodies and Embodied Identities in the Eastern Mediterranean, Oxbow Books, Oxford: 25-31. Download from my Academia website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2015, ‘The Body Brand and Minoan Zonation’, in Cappel S., Günkel-Maschek U., Panagiotopoulos D. (eds.), Minoan Archaeology: Perspectives for the 21st Century, UCL Presses universitaires de Louvain: 267 – 282. Download from my Academia website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., 2013, ‘Anthropomorphic Vessels as Re-Imagined Corporealities in Bronze Age Crete’, Creta Antica XIV: 17-68 [printed in 2015]. Download from my Academia website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Stevens F. 2013, ‘Destroying the Snake Goddess: a re-examination of figurine fragmentation at the Temple Repositories of the Palace of Knossos’, in Driessen J. (ed.), Destruction. Archaeological, philological and historical perspectives, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 24-25-26 November 2011: 153-170. Download from my Academia website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Stevens F. 2012, ‘Adorning the Body: Animals as Ornaments in Bronze Age Crete’, in Nosch M.L., Laffineur R. (eds.), KOSMOS: Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age, Proceedings of the 13th International Aegean Conference / 13e Rencontre égéenne internationale, University of Copenhagen, Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research, 21-26 April 2010, Peeters, Leuven, Liege: 597-608. Buy from Peeters.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2011, ‘Religious Exchanges between Minoan Crete and its Neighbours: Methodological Considerations’, in Duistermaat K., Regulski I. (eds.), Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean, Proceedings of the International Conference at the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo, 25-29 October 2008, Leuven, Paris, Walpole: Uitgeverij Peeters En Departement Oosterse Studies: 79-87.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2010, ‘Minoan animal-human hybridity’, in Counts D.B., Arnold B. (eds.), The Master of Animals in Old World Iconography, Archaeolingua: 93-106. Download from my Academia website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2010, ‘The human body in Minoan religious iconography’, in Krzyszkowska O. H. (ed.), Cretan Offerings: Studies in Honour of Peter Warren, BSA Studies series 18: 321-9. Download from JStor.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2010, ‘Bodyscapes in Minoan Crete’, Mycenaean Seminar 2009-10, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies (BICS): 126-7. Download from JStor.
- Simandiraki A. 2008, ‘The Minoan body as a Feast’, in Hitchcock L., Laffineur R., Crowley J. (eds.), DAIS: the Aegean Feast, Proceedings of the 12th International Aegean Conference, University of Melbourne, Centre for Classics and Archaeology, Melbourne, Australia, 25-29 March 2008, Aegaeum 29, Annales d’archéologie égéenne del’Université de Liège et UT-PASP: 29-37, pl.III.
Archaeological Replication, Experimentation and Digital Applications
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Sattler F., Scheiffele H., in press, ‘The Rings of Minos’, in Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Sattler F., Angermüller K. (eds.) in press, Replica Knowledge: An Archaeology of the Multiple Past, Berlin: K.Verlag.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2020, ‘The Body and the Ring: Metal Rings and Social Structures in the Late Bronze Age Aegean’, in Relaki M., Driessen J. (eds.), OIKOS: Archaeological approaches to House Societies in the Bronze Age Aegean, Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires de Louvain: 201-224. Buy from Presses universitaires de Louvain.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2018, ‘Illusion in Minoan Religion’, Journal of Prehistoric Religion XXVI: 35-46. Buy from Astrom Editions.
- Sattler F., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2018, ‘Replica Knowledge, Travelling Thrones’, in Brenna B., Christensen H.D., Hamran O. (eds.), Museums as Cultures of Copies, The Crafting of Artefacts and Authenticity, London and New York: Routledge: 99-115. Buy from Routledge.
- Simandiraki A. 2009, ‘Blue Sky Digital Heritage: the Case of Greece’, in Tsipopoulou M. (ed.), Proceedings of “Digital Heritage in the new knowledge environment: shared spaces & open paths to cultural content”, International Conference of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Athens, Greece, 31 October – 2 November 2008: 182-6. Download from my Academia website.
Material Culture Studies (other)
- German S., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2024, ‘Outside the Network: Finding ‘Others’ and the Individual in the Aegean Bronze Age’ [editorial], Oxford Journal of Archaeology (OJA) 43(3): 219-225. Download from the OJA website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2020, ‘Book Review: Ιερά και Θρησκευτικές Τελετουργίες στην Ανακτορική και Μετανακτορική Μυκηναϊκή Περίοδο (Sanctuaries and CultPractices in the Palatial and Postpalatial Mycenaean Period), By Dimitra Rousioti. Athens: Maistros 2018. Pp. 490. €38. ISBN 978-960-6846-28-1 (paper)’, American Journal of Archaeology (AJA) 124 (3). Download from the AJA website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2018, ‘Fleeting Fingers, Silent Pots? Examining human-vessel engagement in the Minoan Palace of Galatas Pediados, Crete’, in Müller K., Schiller B. (eds.), Von Kreta nach Kuba: Gedenkschrift zu Ehren des Berliner Archaeologen Veit Stuermer, Berlin: Logos Verlag: 247-262. Download from my Academia website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. in preparation, ‘Miniature Vessels from Armenoi’, in Proceedings of Armenoi Necropolis Colloquium, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 19 April 2012.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. in press, lemmata on miniature vessels, in Tzedakis Y., Martlew H. (eds.), Armenoi, Volume II, Fascicle 1. INSTAP Academic Press.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2017, ‘Miniature Vessels’, in Tsipopoulou M. (ed.), Petras, Siteias I: Houses I.1 and I.2. INSTAP Academic Press: 129-136, bibliography 235-250. Download from JStor.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2013, ‘Review of: McGowan (E.), Ambiguity and Minoan Neopalatial Seal Imagery (SIMA 176). Pp. xii + 96, figs. 47. Åströms, Uppsala 2011’, American Journal of Archaeology (AJA) 117 (1). Download from the AJA website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2013, ‘Review of: Marinatos (N.), Minoan Kingship and the Solar Goddess, A Near Eastern Koine. Urbana, Chicago, and Springfield: University of Illinois Press, 2010, pp. 263 + illustrations’, Journal of Hellenic Studies (JHS) 132: 233-4. Download from the JHS website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2012, ‘Miniature Vessels from Petras’, in Tsipopoulou M. (ed.), Petras, Siteia, 25 years of excavations and studies, Acts of a two-day conferenceheld at the Danish Institute at Athens, Greece, 9-10 October 2010, Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens vol. 16: 255-264. Download from my Academia website.
- Simandiraki A. 2011, ‘Miniature vessels in Minoan Crete’, Proceedings of the 10th International Cretological Congress, Chania, Crete, Greece, 1-8 October 2006: A3, 45-58. Download from my Academia website.
- Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘The Agrimi in the Minoan Ceramic Relief’, Proceedings of the 9th International Cretological Congress, Elounda, Crete, Greece, 1-6 October 2001, Society of Cretan Historical Studies, Herakleion 2006: vol.A3, 95-108. Download from my Academia website.
Archaeology, Identity and Heritage, incl. Reception of Greek Archaeology
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2020, ‘Adult Education in Archaeology’, in Smith C. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, Springer: 32-38. [full-length paper] Download from Springer Link.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2020, ‘Museum Education in Archaeology’, in Smith C. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, Springer: 7525-7542. [full-length paper] Download from Springer Link.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., 2020, ‘Public Archaeology and Education: Present Relevance to the Past’, in Smith C. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, Springer: 8972-8984. [full-length paper] Download from Springer Link.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2017, ‘An Archaeology of/for the Disenfranchised in Greece’, Journal of Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology and Heritage Studies 5 (3-4): 271-286. Download from JStor.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Stefanou E. 2012, ‘From Archaeology to Archaeologies: Themes, Challenges and Borders of the ‘Other’ Past’, in Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Stefanou E. (eds.), From Archaeology to Archaeologies: the ‘Other’ Past, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2409: 9-13. Download from my Academia website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2012, ‘Dusk at the Palace: Exploring Minoan Spiritualities’, in Rountree K., Morris C., Peatfield A. (eds.), Archaeology of Spiritualities, Springer, ‘One World Archaeology’ Series: 247-266. Buy from Springer.
- Simandiraki A. 2011, ‘Minoan archaeology in modern Cretan administration’, Proceedings of the 10th International Cretological Congress, Chania, Crete, Greece, 1-8 October 2006: C2, 277-290. Download from my Academia website.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2011, ‘What caused the end of the Minoan Civilization?’, ABC-Clio, Analyze (online).
- Σημανδηράκη Α. 2010, ‘Η ‘Μινωική’ εμπειρία των μαθητών στην Κρήτη’, in Χαμηλάκης Γ., Μομιλιάνο Ν. (επιμ.), Αρχαιολογία και ευρωπαϊκή νεωτερικότητα, παράγοντας και καταναλώνοντας τους «Μινωίτες», [Greek edition of: ‘The ‘Minoan’ experience of schoolchildren in Crete’, in Hamilakis Y., Momigliano N. (eds.), Archaeology and European Modernity: producing and consuming the Minoans], μετάφραση Νίκος Κούτρας, Εκδόσεις του Εικοστού Πρώτου.
- Simandiraki A., Grimshaw T. 2009, ‘The Branding of Minoan Archaeology’, in Georgiadis M., Gallou C. (eds.), The Past in the Past: The Significance of Memory and Tradition in the Transmission of Culture, BAR International Series 1925: 87-104. Buy from BAR.
- Simandiraki A., Grimshaw T. 2008, ‘Linguistic Imperialism and Minoan Archaeology (Greece)’, Archaeologies 4(1): 186-9. Download from Springer Link.
- Simandiraki A., Stefanou E. 2007, ‘ ‘Fringe’ Archaeologies: the ‘Other’ Past’, The European Archaeologist 28 (Winter 2007-8): 28-9. Download from the TEA website.
- Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘The ‘Minoan’ experience of schoolchildren in Crete’, in Hamilakis Y., Momigliano N. (eds.), Archaeology and European Modernity: producing and consuming the Minoans, Bottega D’Erasmo, Aldo Ausilio Editore In Padova, Creta Antica 7: 259-274.
- Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘International Education and Cultural Heritage: Alliance or Antagonism?’, Journal of Research in International Education (JRIE) 5(1): 35-56. Download from the JRIE website.
- Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘Cultural Heritage in International Education: developing a research design’, International Journal of Learning 13(8): 89-96.
- Σημανδηράκη Α. 2006, ‘Περί Κρεμμυδιών και Ερειπίων: Γνωρίζοντας Πολιτισμούς μέσω της Κληρονομιάς τους’, Ελλωτία, Περιοδική Έκδοση του Δήμου Χανίων, Δημοτική Πολιτιστική Επιχείρηση Χανίων [Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘Of Onions and Ruins: Knowing Cultures through their Heritage’, Ellotia, Publication of the Municipality of Chania, Municipal Cultural Association of Chania], 11: 51-64.
- Simandiraki A. 2005, ‘Minoan archaeology in the Athens 2004 Olympic Games’, European Journal of Archaeology (EJA), 8 (2): 157-81. Download from the EJA website.
- Simandiraki A. 2005, ‘Of Onions and Ruins: Knowing Cultures through their Heritage?’, International Schools Journal XXIV (2): 40-8.
- Simandiraki A. 2004, ‘Μινωπαιδιές: the Minoan Civilisation in Greek Primary Education’, World Archaeology 36(2): 177-88. Download from JStor.
International Education
- Cambridge J.C., Simandiraki A. 2007, ‘Enquiry into learning from intergenerational practice: an invitation to school-based researchers’, International Schools Journal XXVI (2): 42-47.
- Cambridge J., Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘Interactive Intergenerational Learning in the context of CAS in the IB Diploma Programme: a UK case study’, Journal of Research in International Education (JRIE) 5(3): 347-66. Download from the JRIE website.
- Cambridge J., Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘A typology for the description and analysis of Interactive Intergenerational Learning’, in Hatton-Yeo A. (ed.), Intergenerational Practice Guide: Case Studies, Stafford: The Beth Johnson Foundation: 137-44.
- Cambridge J., Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘Lernen von Generationspraxis: Eine Typologie für Beschreibung und Analyse’ [‘Learning from Intergenerational Practice: a typology for description and analysis’], Generationen Gerechtigkeit [Intergenerational Justice Review (IJR)] 6(2): 43-4.
- Simandiraki A. 2004, ‘Interactive Intergenerational Learning (IIL) Project’, IB Research Notes 4(2), April 2004. Download from my Academia website.
- Perry S., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2024, ‘Data managers as storytellers: Possible futures for archaeological data reuse’, in Advanced 3D archaeological documentation and linked open data, Lund University. Download from Zenodo.
- Štular B., Taylor J. S., Lozić E., Dell’Unto N., Perry S., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2023, Transforming Data Reuse in Archaeology (TETRARCHs): D5.1 Legacy Data Incorporation (1.0). Download from Zenodo.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2014, Report for Petras Figurines Study 2014 for INSTAP, internal circulation.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2011, Study and Publication of Galatas Building 1, Report for the Mediterranean Archaeological Trust, internal circulation.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2009, Miniature Vessels in Minoan Crete Project Report for 2009, Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP), USA, internal circulation.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2009, Margo Tytus Visiting Research Fellowship Report: Conceptualising the Minoan Human Body, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati, USA, internal circulation.
International Education
- Caffyn R., Yao Z., Simandiraki A. 2007, The Practitioner Research Project Final Report, International Baccalaureate Research Team, Bath, UK, internal circulation.
- Thompson J., Yao Z., Simandiraki A. 2006, School-University Transition Study Final Report, International Baccalaureate Research Unit, Bath, UK, unpublished report, internal circulation.
- Cambridge J., Simandiraki A. 2005, Interactive Intergenerational Learning Project Final Report, International Baccalaureate Research Unit, Bath, UK, unpublished report, internal circulation.
Title photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash ; pie chart (c) Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw 2002 (cite as: Simandiraki 2002: chart Ci)
Website design and development by Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw; webpage last updated 24 November 2024