
Replica Knowledge: Histories, Processes and Identities, 2–4 February 2017, Berlin, Germany.
Organised by Dr. Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw and Felix Sattler.
Can a copy of an archaeological artefact be as exciting as the original? Is there “Replica Knowledge”? By investigating replicas as a specific category of objects, a change of perspective is achieved from mediating antiquity to researching the history of archaeological knowledge and its representation in collections and other contexts. Shaping awareness about the agency, materiality, mobility and difference of replicas means gathering new knowledge. This interdisciplinary conference connects international participants from museums, universities, companies and research initiatives to discuss replicas of archaeological objects, mainly from the Aegean Bronze Age. The talks address processes of manufacture, transformation of form and material, shifts in meaning and reinterpretation and the role of replicas for institutional and political identity. The ‘Thronfolger’ project, funded by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes’ ‘International Museum Fellowship’ programme, aims to trace international networks of manufacture, distribution and scientific as well as literary knowledge production along the history of several Greek Bronze Age replicas. It therefore includes research, this conference, the publication of the resulting papers and an experimental, research-in-display exhibition at the Humboldt-Universität’s Tieranatomisches Theater exhibition space in Berlin from September 2017 to March 2018, plus an exhibition catalogue.
Digital Transformation
Building Networks: Social and Cultural Dynamics in the Digital Age, CHANSE mid-term conference, 18-19 September 2024, Bucharest, Romania
Organised by CHANSE, NCN (Dr. Malwina Gebalska, Dr. Monika Hunka, Katarzyna Wincenciak), Dr. Sara Perry, Dr. Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw, Dr. Luisa Nienhaus (UCL) and UEFISCDI, with assistance from Ayesha Purcell.
The CHANSE Mid-Term Conference: Building Networks took place in Bucharest, Romania on 18–19 September, 2024. This was an opportunity for networking, inspiring discussions and workshops, as well as CHANSE-funded project presentations and teamwork (within and across projects). The conference was only open to participants involved in the CHANSE Programme and their stakeholders, as well as representatives of Research Funding Organisations and of the European Commission. The event was hosted by the CHANSE Partner, the Executive Agency for Financing Higher Education,Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI). Conference hashtag: #DigiNetworks
For more information, visit the conference website:

- German S., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2023, Outside the Network: Non-elite and “other” in the Aegean Bronze Age, 124th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, New Orleans, USA, 5-8 January 2023.
- Stevens F., Simandiraki A. 2008, Visual Bodies: Exploring the Representation of Identity, 6th World Archaeology Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 29 June – 4 July 2008.
- Stefanou L., Simandiraki A. 2007, ‘Fringe’ Archaeologies: ‘The Other’ Past, European Association of Archaeologists 13th Annual Meeting, Zadar, Croatia, 18-23 September 2007.

The Human Body in Antiquity (incl. material culture studies)
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2024, ‘Corporeal Ecosystems of Affluence in Bronze Age (Minoan) Crete’, The Archaeology of Affluence: Comparative perspectives on surplus, wealth, and social organisation in pre-modern societies, International Conference, Department of History and Cultures, Piazza di San Giovanni in Monte, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Italy, 8-9 May 2024.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2023, ‘Shifting bodily aesthetics and social change in Bronze Age Crete’, 29th EAA Annual Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 30 August – 02 September 2023.
- German S., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2023, ‘Finding “Others” and the Individual in the Aegean Bronze Age’, 29th EAA Annual Meeting, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 30 August – 02 September 2023.
- German S., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2023, ‘Introduction and contributions: Outside the Network: Non-elite and “other” in the Aegean Bronze Age’, 124th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, New Orleans, USA, 5-8 January 2023.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2022, ‘Bodies in Flux: Anthropomorphic/Anthropomorphising Vessels from Funerary Contexts in Bronze Age Crete’, ARWA International Online Workshop: Death, Rituals and Symbolism in the Prehistoric Aegean, online, 11-12 December 2022.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2022, ‘Modular Bodies in Bronze Age Crete’, Konzepte von Körper und Tod, Jahrestagung 2022, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI), Berlin, Germany, 8–11 September 2022.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2021, ‘Overt and covert bodily communication in Bronze Age Crete’, Gesture, Stance, and Movement: Communicating Bodies in the Aegean Bronze Age, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 11-13 November 2021.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2018, ‘Bodies of evidence in Bronze Age (Minoan) Crete’, Cardiff University, School of History, Archaeology and Religion Research Seminar Series 2017-2018, Cardiff, UK, 15 February 2018.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2016, ‘The Petras Male Figurine Group: a first presentation and assessment’, 4th Meeting for the Archaeological Work in Crete, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 24-27 November 2016.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2016, ‘Cults for the many, cults for the few: exploring religious and social mobility in Bronze Age Crete’, 12th International Congress of Cretan Studies, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 21–25 September 2016.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2016, ‘Arts and People in Ancient Greece’, public lecture for the closing evening of the annual arts and crafts exhibition of IRIS (Women Creators’ Club) of Chania, Chania, Crete, Greece, 31 August 2016.
- Tsipopoulou M, Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2015, ‘Cycladic figurines and pottery from Petras, Siteia’, Cycladica In Crete: Cycladic And Cycladicizing Figurines Within Their Archaeological Context, International Symposium, Museum Of Cycladic Art, Athens, 1-2 October 2015.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2015, ‘The ‘Petras Siren’: An Essay on Hybridity’, The Petras Cemetery in Context, Athens, Greece, 14-15 February 2015.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Stevens F. 2012, ‘Animalized Humans / Humanized Animals: Animal Ornaments of ‘Natural’ Materials in Bronze Age Crete’, Cosmopolitan Animals, Two-day international conference, Institute of English Studies, London, UK, 26-27 October 2012.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Stevens F. 2012, ‘Composite, created, partial and floating bodies: A re-assessment of the Knossos Temple Repositories Assemblage’, Embodied Identities in the Prehistoric Eastern Mediterranean: Convergence of Theory and Practice, Nicosia, Cyprus, 10-12 April 2012.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2011, ‘Pots as People, People as Pots: Minoan Anthropomorphic Vessels’, 11th International Cretological Congress, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 21-27 October 2011.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2011, ‘The Body Brand and Minoan Zonation’, Minoan Archaeology: Challenges and Perspectives for the 21st Century, International PhD and Post Doc Conference, Heidelberg, Germany, 23-27 March 2011.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Stevens F. 2010, ‘Adorning the Body: Animals as Ornaments in Bronze Age Crete’, The 13th International Aegean Conference, KOSMOS: Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-23 April 2010.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2009, ‘Revisiting the human body in Mediterranean prehistory: a case study from Minoan Crete’, Session: ‘Exploring new theories for Mediterranean prehistoric archaeology’, The 31st Annual Conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG), Durham University, Durham, UK, 17-19 December 2009.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2009, ‘Bodyscapes in Minoan Crete’, The Mycenaean Seminar, Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, London, UK, 18 November 2009.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2009, ‘Conceptualising the Minoan Human Body’, Tytus Colloquium, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, USA, 21 January 2009.
- Simandiraki A. 2008, ‘Religious Interchange between Minoan Crete and its Neighbours: Methodological Considerations’, Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean, Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt, 26-29 October 2008.
- Simandiraki A. 2008, ‘The human body in Minoan religious iconography’, One-Day Conference in Honour of Peter Warren, Bristol Institute of Greece, Rome and the Classical Tradition, University of Bristol, 17 May 2008.
- Simandiraki A. 2008, ‘The Minoan Body as a Feast’, DAIS: The Aegean Feast, The 12th International Aegean Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 25-29 March 2008.
- Simandiraki A. 2007, ‘Minoan animal-human hybridity’, European Association of Archaeologists 13th Annual Meeting, Zadar, Croatia, 18-23 September 2007.
- Simandiraki A. 2007, ‘The social context of death, dying and disposal in the Prehistoric Eastern Mediterranean’, The 8th International Conference, The Social Context of Death, Dying and Disposal, The University of Bath, Bath, UK, 12-15 September 2007.
Archaeological Replication, Experimentation and Digital Applications
- Perry S., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Wright H. 2025. ‘The erasure of humans from the archaeological archive: Grappling with the contradictions of open science’, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) Conference Digital Horizons: Embracing Heritage in an Evolving World, Athens, Greece, 5-9 May 2025.
- Perry S., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2024, ‘What stories are (or can be) told with archaeological data?: Experiments in site photo reuse with different audiences’, 30th European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy, 28-31 August 2024.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Sattler F. 2021, ‘Multiplying the Past: Replica Agency and Museum Networks’, Museum Networks And Museum History, Museums And Galleries History Group Conference 2020 (delayed), London/online, 14-16 July 2021.
- Sattler F., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., 2019, ‘The Throne of Minos: Ambiguity and fluctuation in archaeological narratives of the Aegean Bronze Age from Modernity to Post-Modernity’, Man Makes Himself: Archaeological Narratives of the Past, Central European Theoretical Archaeology Group Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany, 12-13 September 2019.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2018, ‘The Body and the Ring: Metal Rings and Group Indentities in the Late Bronze Age Aegean’, OIKOS. Archaeological approaches toHouse Societies in the ancient Aegean, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 6-7 December 2018.
- Sattler F., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2018, ‘Co-curating the Multiple Past: Replica Knowledge in European University Collections’, Working Together: Partnerships, Co-creation, Co-curation, XIX Universeum Network Meeting, The Hunterian, University of Glasgow, UK, 13-15 June 2018.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Sattler F., 2017, ‘Travelling Thrones / Replica Knowledge’, project presentation and workshop, Symposium Bridging Human Clashes – Globale Fragen, lokale Antworten, Fellow Me! Die Mobile Akademie im Programm Fellowship Internationales Museum, German Federal Cultural Foundation (Kulturstiftung des Bundes), Berlin, Germany, 23–25 March 2017.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Stevens F. 2017, ‘Re-Material Bodies: Replicating the ‘Snake Goddess’ figurines from Knossos’, Replica Knowledge: Histories, Processes and Identities, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2-4 February 2017.
- Sattler F., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2016, ‘Travelling Thrones. Replica Knowledge’, plenary lecture, Mangfoldige museumspraksiser – Museet som overflødighetshorn (Multiple Museum Practices: The Museum as Cornucopia), Norsk Teknisk Museum, Oslo, Norway, 24-25 October 2016.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Sattler F. 2016, ‘Travelling Thrones, Travelling Cups: Tracing Replicas of Minoan and Mycenaean Antiquities’, Mobile Objekte interdisciplinary base project, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 6 July 2016.
- Simandiraki A. 2008, ‘Blue Sky Digital Heritage: the case of Greece’, Digital Heritage in the new knowledge environment: shared spaces and open paths to cultural content, International Conference of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Athens, Greece, 31 October – 2 November 2008.
- Simandiraki A., Ingham, A. 2003, ‘ARTIFACT©: Utilising current technology to clarify the past’, Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) UK 2003, Southampton, 3-4 May 2003.
Material Culture Studies (other)
- Tsipopoulou M., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2019, ‘The Feline Vase from Petras, Siteia, in context’, 5th Meeting For The Archaeological Work In Crete, Department of History and Archaeology, University of Crete, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 21-24 November 2019.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2012, ‘Armenoi miniature vessels’, Armenoi Necropolis Colloquium, Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 19 April 2012.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2010, ‘Miniature Vessels from Petras’, Two-day Conference for the 25 years of the Excavation of the Minoan Palace of Petras Siteias, Athens, Greece, 9-10 October 2010.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Stevens F. 2010, ‘The Temple Repositories Assemblage: A consideration of the material world of the ‘Snake Goddess’ figurines’, “Constellations of Objects: Interactive Material Worlds” Conference, Pitt-Rivers Museum, Oxford, UK, 5 June 2010.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. (with Stevens F.) 2009, ‘Art, Archaeology and Artistic Representation: The Case of the Knossos ‘Snake Goddesses’ ’, 4th International Conference on the Arts in Society, Venice, Italy, 28-31 July 2009.
- Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘Miniature vessels in Minoan Crete’, 10th International Cretological Congress, Chania, Crete, Greece, 1-8 October 2006.
- Simandiraki A. 2002, ‘Reading Between the Lines: A PhD in Archaeology’, Archaeology and the Historic Environment Group lecture, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, U.K., November 2002.
- Simandiraki A. 2001, ‘The Agrimi in the Minoan Ceramic Relief’, The 9th International Cretological Congress, Elounda, Crete, Greece, 1-6 October 2001.
- Simandiraki A. 1999, ‘Caught in the middle: society through pottery in Middle Bronze Age Crete’, Bristol University Arts Faculty Doctoral Seminar, Bristol, U.K., March 1999.
Archaeology, Identity and Heritage, including Reception of Greek Archaeology
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Sattler F. 2025, ‘The Making of Authenticities: Revisiting Aegean Bronze Age Replica Knowledge’, The Mycenaean Seminar, Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, London, UK, 15 January 2025.
- Copsey L., Perry S., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Wickstead H. 2024, ‘Supermarket Ruins: Archaeological Stories For Our Times’, International Illustration Research Symposium, Illustration & Heritage: Sharing Stories to Draw Out Futures, Chelsea College of Art, University of the Arts, London, 22-23 November 2024.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2023, ‘The allure of the ancient: the role of Greek antiquities in the building of modern Greece and Europe’, plenary lecture at the University of Cambridge International Summer Programme, Cambridge, UK, July 2023.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2015, ‘An Archaeology of/for the Disenfranchised in Greece’, 116th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 8-11 January 2015.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2013, ‘The crisis of Greek antiquities’, Living in times of crisis: the case of Greece, one day conference, University of Bath, Bath, UK, 10 April 2013.
- Stevens F., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2011, ‘The Girl and the Pithos: Archaeology, Photography and People in Knossos in the Early 1900s’, Greek (Hi)stories through the Lens: Photographs, Photographers & their Testimonies, The Centre for Hellenic Studies and the Department of Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies, King’s College London, UK, 8 – 11 June.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2010, ‘Minoan Palimpsests in Contemporary Crete’, Modern Greek Studies Seminar, Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College London, UK, 15 November 2010.
- Stevens F. (with Simandiraki-Grimshaw A.) 2009, ‘Memory in the making: archaeology, photography and the materialization of identity in Crete in the early 1900s’, 4th International Conference on the Arts in Society, Venice, Italy, 28-31 July 2009.
- Grimshaw T., Simandiraki A. 2008, ‘The commodification of cultural heritage in international education: Challenging the dominant constructs’, International education: a bridge to intercultural understanding, The Alliance for International Education Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 24-26 October 2008.
- Simandiraki A. 2008, ‘The ‘Minoan Goddess’ in Modern Crete’, 6th World Archaeology Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 29 June – 4 July 2008.
- Simandiraki A. 2007, ‘Cultural and Natural Heritages as International Education’, The ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain, 22-25 November 2007.
- Simandiraki A., Stefanou E. 2007, ‘‘Fringe’ Archaeologies: Themes, Challenges and Borders of the ‘Other’ Past’, European Association of Archaeologists 13th Annual Meeting, Zadar, Croatia, 18-23 September 2007.
- Simandiraki A. 2007, ‘Rewards and Limitations of Archaeology in Further Education’, Teaching and Learning in Archaeology 2007 (Higher Education Academy, Archaeology Subject Centre), Bournemouth University, 20-21 June 2007.
- Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘To display or to forget: a false dichotomy?’, TAG (Theoretical Archaeology Group) conference, Department of Archaeology, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK, 15-17 December 2006.
- Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘Cultural Heritage in International education: who, what, when, where, how, why?’, The ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, Nice, France, 16-19 November 2006.
- Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘Cultural heritage and global citizenship: a research strategy’, The Alliance for International Education Conference, Shanghai, China, 27-29 October 2006.
- Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘International Education and Cultural Heritage: implications for communities’, IBAEM regional conference for the educational leadership teams of authorized and candidate schools, Athens, Greece, 12-14 October 2006.
- Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘Minoan archaeology in modern Cretan administration’, 10th International Cretological Congress, Chania, Crete, Greece, 1-8 October 2006.
- Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘The branding of Minoan archaeology’, European Association of Archaeologists 12th Annual Meeting, Cracow, Poland, 19-24 September 2006.
- Grimshaw T., Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘The branding of academic knowledge: an archaeological case study’, BAAL / IRAAL Annual Conference, ‘From Applied Linguisticsto Linguistics Applied: Issues, Practices, Trends’, Cork, Ireland, 7-9 September 2006.
- Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘Cultural Heritage in International Education: developing an investigative tool’, Thirteenth International Conference on Learning, Montego Bay, Jamaica, 22-25 June 2006.
- Simandiraki A. 2005, ‘The ‘Minoan’ experience of schoolchildren in Crete’, Bronze Age Crete: the First “European Civilisation”? Interpretations, Uses and Appropriations of the “Minoan” Past, Venice, Italy, 25-27 November 2005.
- Simandiraki A. 2004, ‘International Education and Cultural Heritage: Alliance or Antagonism?’, The Alliance for International Education Conference, Düsseldorf,Germany, 1-3 October 2004.
International Education
- Caffyn R., Simandiraki A., Yao Z. 2007, ‘School-based research and the IB: creating communities and developing reflection’, The ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain, 22-25 November 2007.
- Caffyn R., Simandiraki A. 2007, ‘Organisational trauma and international schools’, CEIC (Centre for the Study of Education in an International Context) Seminar, Department of Education, University of Bath, Bath, U.K., 20 November 2007.
- Cambridge J., Simandiraki A. 2007, ‘A typology of Interactive Intergenerational Learning and its contribution to educational assessment in the context of service learning’, The First International Conference on Service-Learning in Teacher Education, Brussels, Belgium, 5-7 July 2007.
- Simandiraki A. 2007, ‘The International Baccalaureate Practitioner Research Project: challenges, results, support’, The 14th International Conference on Learning, Johannesburg, South Africa, 26-9 June 2007.
- Caffyn R., Yao Z., Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘Practitioner Research Project: A way forward’, The ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, Nice, France, 16-19 November 2006.
- Caffyn R., Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘Trauma and its implications for management in international schools’, The Alliance for International Education Conference, Shanghai, China, 27-29 October 2006.
- Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘The International Baccalaureate Research Unit (IBRU) Practitioner Research Project’, IBAEM regional conference for the educational leadership teams of authorized and candidate schools, Athens, Greece, 12-14 October 2006 (twice, hour-long).
- Cambridge J., Simandiraki A. 2005, ‘Internationalising Intergenerational Learning: issues for students, schools and the elderly’, The ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, The Hague, the Netherlands, 17-20 November 2005.
- Simandiraki A. 2005, ‘Symbols in Education and their role in the construction of cultural identity’, The ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, The Hague, the Netherlands, 17-20 November 2005.
- Cambridge J., Simandiraki A. 2004, ‘Researching Intergenerational Learning in the context of CAS’, The ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, Nice, France, 18-21 November 2004.
- Cambridge J., Simandiraki A. 2004, ‘A Typology of Intergenerational Learning’, The Alliance for International Education Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1-3 October2004.
- Simandiraki A., Yao Z., 2004, ‘Developing an Instrument to Evaluate Students’ Internationally Minded Values (student focused)’, The Alliance for International Education Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1-3 October 2004.
- Cambridge J., Simandiraki A. 2004, ‘Interactive Intergenerational Learning’, The International Baccalaureate Online Global Conference, 1-14 March 2004.
Knowledge Exchange in Digital Transformation
- Perry S., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Purcell A. 2024, ‘CHANSE Transformations’ Audiences: A Presentation on Connections and Gaps in Knowledge Exchange‘, CHANSE-KEF round table, online, 1 February 2024.
- Perry S., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Taye B. 2023, workshops at the CHANSE Kick-off Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 1-2 June 2023.
- Simandiraki A. 2007, ‘Kings, axes, palaces, dolphins: Minoan archaeology as Cretan, Greek and European identity’, in “Re-visioning the Nation: Cultural Heritage andthe Politics of Disaster’, The 8th Cambridge Heritage Seminar, The MacDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge, UK, 12 May 2007.
Archaeological Replication, Experimentation and Digital Applications
- Rempoulaki A., Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Chalkiadakis G., Sifniotis M., Mania K., 2019, ‘3D Visualization of Uncertainty in Μinoan Archaeological Reconstructions’, 1st Summit on Gender Equality in Computing (GEC 2019), Athens, Greece, 7 June 2019 [poster presentation].
International Education
- Simandiraki A., ‘IBO Research Unit, Practitioner Research Project 2005’. Poster presented at:
- ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, Nice, France, 18-21 November 2004.
- ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, The Hague, the Netherlands, 17-20 November 2005.
- Simandiraki A., ‘IBO Research Unit, School-University Transition Study’. Poster presented at:
- Alliance for International Education Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1-3 October 2004.
- ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, Nice, France, 18-21 November 2004.
- ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, The Hague, the Netherlands, 17-20 November 2005.
- Simandiraki A., ‘IBO Research Unit, Publications Projects’. Poster presented at:
- Alliance for International Education Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1-3 October 2004.
- ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, Nice, France, 18-21 November 2004.
- ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, The Hague, the Netherlands, 17-20 November 2005.
- Simandiraki A., ‘IBO Research Unit, ISAP (International Schools Association Project)’. Poster presented at:
- Alliance for International Education Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1-3 October 2004.
- ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, Nice, France, 18-21 November 2004.
- ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, The Hague, the Netherlands, 17-20 November 2005.
- Simandiraki A., ‘IBO Research Unit, IIL (Interactive Intergenerational Learning) Project’. Poster presented at:
- Alliance for International Education Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1-3 October 2004.
- ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, Nice, France, 18-21 November 2004.
- ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, The Hague, the Netherlands, 17-20 November 2005.
- Simandiraki A., ‘IBO Research Unit, Finland Distance Teaching Project’. Poster presented at:
- Alliance for International Education Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1-3 October 2004.
- ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, Nice, France, 18-21 November 2004.
- ECIS (European Council of International Schools) Annual Conference, The Hague, the Netherlands, 17-20 November 2005.
Title photo by Andrei Stratu on Unsplash ; speaking photo (c) Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw
Website design and development by Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw; webpage last updated 09 January 2025