Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Sattler F., 2017, “Replica Knowledge: An Archaeology of the Multiple Past”, exhibition at the Tieranatomisches Theater, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 15/9/2017-31/3/2018.

More than copies of originals – a research project and an exhibition investigate the worldwide distribution of archaeological replicas and their multiple object biographies. Why do snake goddesses reside in Berlin, Oxford, Cambridge, Heidelberg and Paris? How did the throne of King Minos appear in the International Criminal Court in TheHague and what role does it play in the legendary science fiction series “Dr. Who “? And when was the Cup of Nestor last seen on the big screen?
The exhibition REPLICA KNOWLEDGE – An Archeology of the Multiple Past at the Tieranatomisches Theater traced such copies of archaeological finds. Their biographies lead to collections of museums and universities, legal palaces, luxury steamers, action films and contemporary art. The replicas’ manifold interpretations and uses today and in the past show that history is continually being constructed; between the fragmentary originals and (re)construction, between truth and myth. [photo by Felix Sattler]

REPLICA KNOWLEDGE presented copies of archaeological objects from the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations of the Greek Bronze Age. Visitors could go on a journey through a variety of possible pasts: different copies and the knowledge they generate make the story of an original appear as a kaleidoscope. They not only represent this “original”, but canalso influence its meaning and even its reconstruction or restoration. The exhibition conveyed stories of truth and myth and their motivations in artistic and museum formats of presentation. How did different forms and motifs of this discovery arise? What processes allow certain objects to be elevated to icons that inspire science, art and popular culture? The exhibition brought together various actors of archeology, history and (re)production of replicas. For example, in a “Replica Maker Space”, techniques, materials, andmanufacturing contexts of archaeological replicas became tangible, revealing the possibilities of past and current uses. Another example was the work of illustrator Jan Stöwe, who was commissioned for an experimental collaboration in the form of a large-scale installation. In this, he explored, interpreted and presented the history of the replica of the ’Throne of King Minos’ from Knossos. This replica was installed at the International Court of Justice in 1913 and reveals a multitude of interpretations, ranging from ancient myths to political agendas. At the opening of the exhibition, the archaeologist Jerolyn E. Morrison gave a Bronze Age cooking performance in replicas of Minoan pots. As the exhibition has now finished, there will soon be an extensive publication by K. Verlag, edited by Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw, Felix Sattler and Konrad Angermüller.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2016, ‘Arts and People in Ancient Greece’, public lecture for the closing evening of the annual arts and crafts exhibition of IRIS (Women Creators’ Club) of Chania, Chania, Crete, Greece, 31 August 2016 (in Greek).
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2014, ‘Introduction: Exploring People in Minoan Crete’, Minoan Crete: the People Behind the Palaces Workshop, University of Oxford, UK, 18 January 2014.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2011, ‘Minoan Peak Sanctuaries’, Antiquity programme, Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution (BRLSI), Bath, UK, 12 December 2011.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2010, ‘How ‘Minoan’ was Bronze Age Crete?’, Antiquity programme, Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution (BRLSI), Bath, UK, 19 October 2010.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2010, ‘Religion and Ritual in the Prehistoric Aegean’, University of Bath General Lecture (GULP) series, Bath Campus, Bath, UK, 03 March 2010.
- Simandiraki A. 2008, ‘The Minoan Civilisation: Splendour of Aegean Prehistory’, seminar, Oxford University Summer School for Adults (OUSSA), Oxford, UK, 19-26 July 2008.
- Simandiraki A. 2007, ‘Folklore and the Minoan Civilisation’, seminar, in Archaeology and Folklore, one day workshop, Birkbeck College, London, UK,21 April 2007.
- Simandiraki A. 2007, ‘Minoan Crete: island culture or island cultures?’, Archaeology of Islands workshop, Continuing Education, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, 30 January 2007.
- Simandiraki A. 2006, ‘The Minoans in Crete’, University of Bath General Lecture (GULP), Swindon Campus, Swindon, UK, 18 October 2006.
- Simandiraki A. 2005, ‘The Minoans in Crete’, University of Bath General Lecture (GULP), Bath Campus, Bath, U.K., 16 November 2005.
- Simandiraki A. 2004, ‘Crete: the land of sun and culture’, seminar, University of Bath Lifelong Learning Courses Open Day, Bath, UK, 11 September 2004.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2011-2015, ‘Life in Ancient Greece’, Combe Down School, Bath, UK, annual interactive lecture to children in Years 5 and 6, as consolidation of the Key Stage 2 curriculum for Ancient History.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2019, ‘Greece Through the Year’, interactive lecture to Reception children, The Mead school, Trowbridge, UK.
Digital Transformation
- 2024-2026: co-running of online, international round table series (with S. Perry and, in part, A. Purcell) on EU digital transformation, as part of the ‘CHANSE Networks for Transformational Change’ programme, Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA, 2024) and Institute of Archaeology, University College London (UCL), UK (2024-2026).
- 2023-2025: facilitation of online, international seminar series (led by S. Perry) ‘What Can Data Do for Us?’ on novel ways of archaeological data reuse, as part of the TETRARCHs project, Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA, 2023-2024) and Institute of Archaeology, University College London (UCL), UK (2024-2025).
- Thompson J. Yao Z., Simandiraki A., 2003-2006, Questionnaire design and implementation for a variety of Final Year secondary school students world-wide, and collaboration with local staff, involving ca. 3,000 students, School-University Transition Study, International Baccalaureate Research Unit, University of Bath, UK.
- Cambridge J, Simandiraki A., 2003-2006, Interviews with a variety of Final Year secondary school students in UK international schools, e.g. in Sevenoaks School, Kent and UWC Atlantic College, Wales, Interactive Intergenerational Research Project, International Baccalaureate Research Unit, University of Bath, UK.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2011-2013, Greek taster sessions to students of various Years, Routes into Languages (RiL) Programme, University of Bath and local schools. Teaching either on the University campus or at schools, involving students from Bath, Trowbridge and Cheddar.
Engagement with non-HE stakeholders
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. et al. 2021, Survey and interviews with Bath Spa University external partners in the arts, culture, heritage and digital sectors.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Sattler F. et al. 2016-2022, Interviews, correspondence and collaboration with curators, filmmakers, replicators, collections historians, prop makers, ceramicists, visual artists, conservators, heritage professionals and the press in Germany, Greece, France, Ireland, the USA and the UK for the Travelling Thrones – Replica Knowledge project and the exhibition [2017-2018] and publication [in press] REPLICA KNOWLEDGE – An Archaeology of the Multiple Past (see above).
2020-2021: Academic editorial work for Wunderkammer Press via Bath Spa University.
Archaeology & Heritage
- Τέιλορ Τ., Πέρρυ Σ., Βασιλείου Γ., Νότας Δ., Σπυρόπουλος Π. 2024, Τούμπα Σερρών: Ένα μοναδικό και διαφορετικό project για την αρχαιολογική έρευνα από τους επιστήμονες – Video, συνέντευξη Α. Σπυρίδων, με μεταφράσεις στα ελληνικά από τις Σημανδηράκη-Γκρίμσω A. (του Τ. Τέιλορ), Σαμπατάκου Δ. (των Σ. Πέρρυ και Τ. Τέιλορ), Epiloges.tv, 12 Ιουλίου 2024 [ρεπορτάζ]. [Taylor J., Perry S., Vasileiou G., Notas D., Spyropoulos P. 2024, Toumba Serron: A unique and different project for archaeological research by scientists – Video, interviewed by A. Spyridon, with translations in Greek by Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. (of J. Taylor), Sampatakou D. (of S. Perry and J. Taylor), Epiloges.tv, 12 July 2024 [news report].] Original written report here.
- Αριστοτέλειο Εκπαιδευτήριο Σερρών, Οι μικροί αρχαιολόγοι στην ανασκαφή της Τούμπας Σερρών (ανάρτηση), 11 Ιουλίου 2024 [Aristotle School of Serres, Young Archaeologists at the Excavation of Toumba Serron (blog), 11 July 2024] Access the blog here.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Sattler F. 2018/2024, interviews regarding the Travelling Thrones – Replica Knowledge project and the exhibition REPLICA KNOWLEDGE – An Archaeology of the Multiple Past (see above, video).
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Sattler F. et al. 2018/2024, Making Goddesses. A Re-Embodiment [interviews on the ‘3D Goddesses’ figurines workshop for the exhibition REPLICA KNOWLEDGE – An Archaeology of the Multiple Past (see above, video).
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A., Wolf L. 2017, ‘Archaeology should be a social movement’, Interview with Dr. Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw, Co-Curator of REPLICA KNOWLEDGE, Interview to Luise Wolf about the exhibition REPLICA KNOWLEDGE – An Archaeology of the Multiple Past, Humboldt University in Berlin, Berlin, Germany, September 2017-March 2018.
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2017, voice work for the soundscape installation of the exhibition REPLICA KNOWLEDGE – An Archaeology of the Multiple Past (see above, audio).
- Simandiraki-Grimshaw A. 2017, Fellow-Me interview, Symposium Bridging Human Clashes – Globale Fragen, lokale Antworten, Fellow Me! Die Mobile Akademie im Programm Fellowship Internationales Museum, German Federal Cultural Foundation (Kulturstiftung des Bundes), Berlin, Germany, 23–25 March 2017.
Video credit: Michael Kockot (Kockot Transformation)
- Hitchcock L., Constandinidis D., Nikoloudis S., Simandiraki A. 2008, ‘12th Aegaeum Confrerence in Melbourne’, Neos Kosmos, English Edition, Melbourne, Australia, 31 March 2008, joint newspaper interview to Fotis Kapetopoulos.
- Simandiraki A. 2008, ‘12th Aegaeum Confrerence in Melbourne’, State Broadcasting Service (SBS) Radio, Greek Language Program, Melbourne, Australia, 28 March 2008, radio interview to Vaios Anastassopoulos (in Greek).
- Simandiraki A. 2008, ‘12th Aegaeum Confrerence in Melbourne’, State Broadcasting Service (SBS) Radio, Greek Language Program, Melbourne,Australia, 28 March 2008, radio interview to Angela Pirdas (in Greek).
- Σημανδηράκη Α., Σημανδηράκη Ζ. 2006, ‘Κρητολογικό Συνέδριο και Νέοι Επιστήμονες’, Χανιώτικα Νέα, [Simandiraki A., Simandiraki Z. 2006, ‘The Cretological Congress and New Scholars’, Chaniotika Nea], 4/10/2006, issue no. 11925: 25, newspaper article (in Greek).
International Education
- Simandiraki A. 2008, ‘IB Research Team News: International Education Research Database’, Intercom (Newsletter of the Centre for the Study of Education in an International Context, Department of Education, University of Bath), 26 (February): 7, news item.
- Simandiraki A., Lasinski R. 2008, ‘The International Education Research Database (IERD): a free resource for practitioner researchers’, IB World 52 (January): 9, news item.
- Cambridge J., Simandiraki A. 2007, ‘Interactive Intergenerational Learning and its relevance to the Service Learning Conference’, The First International Conference on Service-Learning in Teacher Education, Brussels, Belgium, 5-7 July 2007, joint video interview to the conference organisers.
- 2003-2009, circulars, conference sessions, school interviews, staffing of International Baccalaureate (IB) stalls at international conferences etc.

Σημανδηράκη-Grimshaw, A. & Φουντουλάκη, Ε. 2020, ‘Χανιώτες του εξωτερικού: Άννα Σημανδηράκη – Grimshaw’, Χανιώτικα Νέα, 5/11/2020, αρ.φύλ. 16206: 22 [συνέντευξη] (Simandiraki-Grimshaw, A. & Foundoulaki, E. 2020, ‘Chaniots Abroad: Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw’, Chania News, 5/11/2020, issue 16206: 22 [interview in Greek] Download from my Academia website.
- Course and lecture publicity in the form of news bulletins, leaflets, online advertising (on my own and for institutional websites), 2003 to date.
- Simandiraki A. 2015, Promotional tutor interview in Cambridge University International Summer Schools online videos ‘Who Teaches?’ and ‘The Learning Environment’.
- Greek translator, World Archaeological Congress. 2007-2012.
- Chief online Greek translator for Verba Volant, a service of the Logos Group. The Logos Group translation company based in Italy. 2002-2009.
- Greek translator. West Country Crete Veterans and Friends Society, UK. 2001-2015.
Title photo by and (c) Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw 2024
Website design and development by Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw; webpage last updated 04 September 2024