
- B.A. in (Greek) Archaeology and (Western) History of Art, Department of History and Archaeology, University of Crete, Greece. “Excellent” [=First] 8.95 (out of 10.00) (1997).
- M.A. in Mediterranean Archaeology (With Commendation), Department of Archaeology, University of Bristol, UK. (1998).
- PhD. in Aegean Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, University of Bristol, UK. (2002).
- City and Guilds Further and Adult Education Teachers’ Certificate 7407 – Stage 1, City of Bristol College, UK. (2004).
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), Advance HE, UK. (2021).
Academic Awards and Funding
- Archaeological research grants: Mediterranean Archaeological Trust Grant for museum work on the ‘Galatas Minoan Palace and City Publication’ project; Mediterranean Archaeological Trust, Oxford, UK. (2011); INSTAP Grant for the project entitled ‘Miniature Vessels in Minoan Crete’; Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP), USA (2009); Research Scholarship for PhD research, University of Bristol, UK. (1998-2001).
- Conference sponsorships: “Cycladic and Cycladicizing figurines from Crete Symposium” (Athens, 2-3 October 2015), Goulandris Museum of Cycladic Art and National Geographic (2015); Conference fee sponsorship, Durham University for the 31st Annual Conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG), Durham University, Durham, UK. (2009); Conference sponsorship at “Intercultural Contacts in the Ancient Mediterranean” (Cairo, 26-29 October2008), Netherlands-Flemish Archaeological Institute in Cairo, Egypt (2008).
- Visiting fellowship: Margo Tytus Long-Term Visiting Research Fellowship (Jan.-Mar.), Classics Department, University of Cincinnati, USA. (2009); International Fellowship: International Research Fellow, ‘Thronfolger/Replikenwissen’ Project, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik, Tieranatomisches Theater, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany (2016-2017).
- Excellence awards: BA Excellence Award, National Institute of Scholarships (IKY), Greece (1997); “Dretakis Award” for BA result, “Kritiki Estia” Institute of Athens, Greece (1997); “Polydoros Vardoulakis Award”, “Kritiki Estia” Institute ofAthens, Greece (1997); Annual “Louis Robert Award”, for best undergraduate /postgraduate project in the Branch of Ancient History (Academic Year Α, 1993-1994), Department of History and Archaeology, University of Crete, Rethymno, Crete, Greece (1994); Above and Beyond, University of Exeter, UK (2019).
- Modern Greek: Native speaker, qualified to teach with BA, deep knowledge of multiple registers.
- English: Fluent, “Cambridge First Certificate in English” (FCE, 1991), “Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English” (CPE, 1993), published author in international journals.
- German: Intermediate, “Grundstufe für Deutsch als Fremdsprache” (1996).
- Ancient Greek, Latin: Qualified to teach with BA.
- Italian, French: Working knowledge.
Computer Literacy
- Artefact databases: ARTIFACT© (co-created), MINOAN BODY (co-created), MIDAS (co-created), FileMaker.
- Bibliographic databases: Forensic Archaeology Bibliographic Database (compiled), International Education Research Database (co-created), The Directory of International Education Practitioners and Researchers (co-created), EndNote.
- Online conferencing: Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams.
- Word Processing: Google Suite, Microsoft Word, Adobe Page Maker, Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Acrobat Reader/Writer, English and Greek typing.
- Image and Video Processing: Adobe Photoshop, Paintshop Pro, Stitcher, Easypano software, Microsoft Moviemaker, MatchMover.
- Spatial Analysis: ArcGIS
- Web Utilisation and Publishing: Google Suite, Internet Explorer, Navigator, Mozilla Firefox, Skype, Zoom, Sitescape, Microsoft FrontPage, PVCS, Dreamweaver.
- Information Management, Research Management and Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs): Moodle, OxCort, SAMIS, SDS, Xerte, H5P, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel; PURE, Research Fish, Impact Tracker.
- Presentation: Microsoft PowerPoint.
- Questionnaire Design: SNAP, Questionmark Perception, Google Forms.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) attended
- Research Excellence Framework (REF): extensive participation in workshops while at Bath Spa University (2020-2021).
- Research and Funding Skills, Fieldwork: “Narratives and Storytelling in Qualitative Research”, the SRA & the University of Bath (2022); “Rapid Review Training”, University of Sheffield & University of Bath (2022); “Research Integrity: Concise (core course)”, OUP, Epigeum & Bath Spa University (2020); “Public engagement for researchers – a researcher’s perspective”, University of Bath, UK (2013); “Managing People in a research environment”, University of Bath, UK (2013); “Effective Communication for International Researchers”, University of Bath, UK (2011); “Project Management: An Introduction”, University of Bath, UK (2010); Professional Development seminar series, Right Management & the International Baccalaureate, UK (2009); “Strategies for Research Success”, University of Bath, UK (2008); “Writing Grant Proposals”, University of Bath, UK (2008); “The ‘Art’ of Proposal Writing”, University of Bath, UK (2008); “Leading Research Teams”, University of Bath, UK (2008); “Managing Research Relationships”, University of Bath, UK (2008); “Project Management for Researchers”, University of Bath, UK (2008); “Project management training”, International Baccalaureate, UK (2007); “Research Methods in Education” Postgraduate Summer School unit, University of Bath, UK (2005); “Introduction to Research Funding”, University of Bristol, UK (2000); archaeological illustration & excavation process training, University of Crete, Greece (1993-7).
- Tuition and supervision, Mentoring and pastoral support: “Implementing Reasonable Adjustments for Students”, Bath Spa University (2020); “Supporting Student Mental Health and Wellbeing”, Bath Spa University (2020); “PhD. Supervision: the Process”, University of Bath, UK (2012); Professional Development, University of Oxford, UK (2012, 2007); “Counselling Skills”, University of Bath, UK (2010); Professional Development, University of Reading, UK (2007); Professional Development, University of Cambridge, UK (2007); Professional Development, Bristol City Council Adult Learning Service, UK (2007); “Communication Across Cultures”, University of Bath, UK (2005); Professional Development, City of Bristol College, UK (2005); “Planning, Learning and Teaching 1: individual”, University of Bath, UK (2003); “Web-based learning and teaching”, Bournemouth University, UK (2003).
- Museum and Heritage sector: German Cultural Foundation (KSB) five (four attended, one co-organised) conferences entitled Fellow Me! Die Mobile Akademie im Programm Fellowship Internationales Museum, in several cities and museums in Germany (2016-2017).
- Presentations and public speaking, Research Networking, Impact: “Stakeholder and Impact Training”, Quercus Training & University of Bath (2022); “Policy Engagement”, Engaging Communications & University of Bath (2022); ”Story-telling and team-building”, Kilter Theatre & University of Bath (2022); “Communicating Assertively”, University of Bath, UK (2013); “Presentation Skills”, University of Bath, UK (2009); “Successful Presentations”, PTP & the International Baccalaureate, UK (2007); “Assertiveness”, University of Bristol, UK (2000).
- Knowledge Exchange (KE): extensive participation in workshops at Bath Spa University (2020-2021); extensive participation in workshops and two conferences on knowledge exchange, engagement and the Knowledge Exchange Concordat, run by: the Civic University Network, Guild HE, the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE), Universities UK (UUK), Praxis Auril, the National Centre for Academic and Cultural Exchange (NCACE) and Government Events (2020-2021).
- Equality, Diversity, Inclusion: “Prevent at UCL”, UCL, UK (2024); “Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion”, UCL, UK (2024); “Equality, Diversity and Inclusion”, Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA), UK (2022); “Diversity in the Workplace”, Bath Spa University (2020), University of Bath (2022); “Working with the Prevent Duty”, Bath Spa University (2020); “Unconscious Bias”, Bath Spa University (2020); “Equality and Diversity Introduction”, University of Exeter (2018); “An Introduction to the Prevent Duty as it affects Higher Education”, University of Exeter (2018); “Prevent for Employers”, WEA (2017).
- Recruitment and Management, Legal Matters, Confidentiality and Intellectual Property: “People Management Essentials” UCL, UK (2024); “Disclosing and Managing Conflicts of Interest at UCL”, UCL, UK (2024); “Data Protection and Freedom of Information”, UCL, UK (2024); “Line Manager Foundation Skills”, Bath Spa University (2021); “SDR training”, Bath Spa University (2021); “Recruitment and Selection”, University of Exeter (2018). “Anti-Money Laundering”, University of Bath (2022); “Anti-Fraud Awareness”, Bath Spa University (2020); “The Bribery Act”, Bath Spa University (2020), University of Bath (2022); “Information Security Awareness”, Bath Spa University (2020), University of Bath (2022); “Information Governance”, University of Exeter (2018); “Information Security for Researchers”, University of Exeter (2018); “Intellectual Property”, University of Bath, UK (2008); “Data Protection Training”, Eversheds Solicitors & the International Baccalaureate, UK (2008).
- IT: “CybSafe Certification in Security Awareness”, UCL, UK (2024); “GDPR UK: Essentials”, MOLA, UK (2023); “Cyber Security Awareness”, MOLA, UK (2022); “Your Digital Pathway”, TechUp Online, Santander Universities, Institute of Coding (2022); “Snap7 Essentials Course”, Mercator & the International Baccalaureate, UK (2005).
- Health, Safety, Environment: “Change Possible: Sustainable UCL”, UCL, UK (2024); “UCL Basic Fire Safety Training”, UCL, UK (2024); “UCL Safety Induction”, UCL, UK (2024); “Fire Awareness”, MOLA, UK (2023), “Environmental Awareness”, MOLA, UK (2022); “Health and Safety”, MOLA, UK (2022); “Fire Safety Awareness”, University of Bath (2022); “Health and Safety”, Bath Spa University (2020); “Safeguarding Essentials”, Bath Spa University (2020); “Health and Safety Introduction”, University of Exeter (2018).
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) provided
- Mentorship and consultation to UGs, PGs and staff at the Universities of Cardiff, Exeter, Bath Spa and Bath, UK (2017-2023).
- Co-planning, co-organisation, co-selection of candidates and co-facilitation of ‘Impact and Knowledge Exchange Fellowship’ (suite of staff training modules over the course of a calendar year), University of Bath, UK (2022-2023). This included extensive collation and curation of a VLE environment, as well as co-procurement of educators and own training delivery.
- Co-planning, co-organisation, co-selection of candidates, co-facilitation and co-training of ECRs on ‘Impact Detectives’ pogramme, University of Bath, UK (2022-2023).
- Co-facilitation of ‘Evidence Synthesis’, ‘Impact Integrators’, ‘Realist training’, ‘Theory of Change’ training, University of Bath, UK (2022-2023).
- Redevelopment of Moodle staff modules ‘Knowledge Exchange Hub’ and ‘Responsible Research and Innovation’, University of Bath, UK (2022-2023).
- Consulation provided on Impact Acceleration Account selections, University of Bath, UK (2022-2023).
- Research: Research Fellow, ‘Transforming data re-use in archaeology (TETRARCHs)’ project, Institute of Archaeology, University College London (UCL) (2024-2025) [as Research Associate at Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA), 2022-2024]; International Research Fellow, ‘Thronfolger/Replikenwissen’ Project, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik, Tieranatomisches Theater, Permanent Fellow, Cluster of Excellence ‘Image Knowledge Gestaltung. An Interdisciplinary Laboratory’, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany (2016-2017); Margo Tytus Visiting Research Fellow (Archaeology), University of Cincinnati, Classics Department, USA (2009); Research Assistant Grade A (Archaeology), Bournemouth University, School of Conservation Sciences, UK (2002-3).
- Curriculum development and delivery: Lecturer in Classics and Ancient History, Greek History and Culture, Education and Scholarship, Department of Classics and Ancient History, College of Humanities, University of Exeter (2018-2019); Senior Teaching Fellow (Archaeology), Department of Classics, Bristol University, UK (2018); Lecturer in Greek History and Archaeology, School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK (2017-2018); Tutor (Archaeology), University of Oxford, Institute of Archaeology and Keble College, UK (2013); Associate / Assistant Lecturer (Archaeology), University of Kent, Classical and Archaeological Studies, School of European Culture and Languages, U.K. (2010 – 2015); Tutor (Archaeology), University of Oxford, Department for Continuing Education, UK (2007 to date); Panel Tutor (Archaeology), University of Cambridge, The Institute of Continuing Education, UK (2006 to date); Sessional Lecturer (Archaeology), University of Reading, School of Continuing Education, UK (2007-10); Recognised Teacher in Lifelong Learning (Archaeology), University of Bristol, Part-time and Short Courses, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, UK (2006-10).
- Supervision: UG Independent Study, Dissertation etc., University of Kent, Cardiff University (2010 to date). PhD. supervision, Associate / Assistant Lecturer (Archaeology), University of Kent, Classical and Archaeological Studies, School of European Culture and Languages, UK (2011 – 2015).
- External Examining: PhD external examining, Department of Archaeology, University of Durham, UK (2015-16).
Languages and Education
- Curriculum development and delivery: Teaching Fellow (Modern Greek), University of Bath, Foreign Languages Centre, Department of European Studiesand Modern Languages, UK. (2005-6, 2009-2016); Tutor (Ancient and Modern Greek), Languages United and privately, Bath, UK. (2010 to date); Assistant Lecturer II (Modern Greek), City of Bristol College, Department of Skills for Life and Languages, UK. (2003-5).
- Research: Research Fellow (Education), University of Bath, International Baccalaureate Research Team, Department of Education, UK (2003-9).
- External Examining: External Examiner (Modern Greek), University of Nottingham, Foreign Languages Centre, School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies, UK (2012-16).
- Other: Translator (Modern Greek), World Archaeological Congress (2007-9), pro bono.
Research Management
- Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Peer Review College Member (2022-2025), pro bono.
- Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Peer Review College Member (2024-2027), pro bono.
- Research Information and Impact Coordinator, University of Bath, Bath, UK (2022-date).
- Knowledge Exchange Manager, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK (2021-2022).
- Research Excellence Framework (REF) Manager, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK (2020-2021, 18 months).
- Co-I on the Networks for Transformational Change Knowledge Exchange Facilitators programme for CHANSE, with PI Dr. Sara Perry and Research Assistant Luisa Nienhaus at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (UCL, 2024-2026) [and at Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA), 2023-2024], with assistance from Ayesha Purcell and Dr. Blen Taye.
Title photo by rivage on Unsplash ; film still by Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw
Website design and development by Anna Simandiraki-Grimshaw; webpage last updated 04 September 2024